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The first decade

2.1 terawatt hours of wind energy

From 2010 to 2019, alpha ventus fed 2.1 terawatt hours (TWh) of power into the German grid. During this decade alpha ventus thus fed an annual average of 201 gigawatt hours of power into the grid, equivalent to the annual power consumption of approximately 57,000 average households (3,500 kWh) in Germany. Since the commissioning in April 2010 alpha ventus reached during five winter months more than 30 GWh: December 2011, January 2012, January and December 2015. The record-holding month is December 2011 with 36.738 GWh generated power (612 full load hours or 25.5 days of continuous energy production at maximum load).


A joint project of the utilities EWE, RWE and Vattenfall

alpha ventus - the first German offshore wind farm

alpha ventus was commissioned as the first German offshore wind farm in April 2010. The construction phase proper was a brief 12 months, a pioneering feat in a location with a water depth of about 30 metres and a distance from the coast of 60 kilometres.

Reflecting its role as offshore test site, alpha ventus operates two types of wind turbines with two different foundation designs. The rated output of the wind farm is 60 MW. Experience gained in construction and operation is an input into the further development and expansion of the German offshore wind power industry.

The alpha ventus offshore wind farm started as joint project of the utilities EWE, E.ON and Vattenfall. These three energy providers established the “Deutsche Offshore-Testfeld und Infrastructur GmbH & Co. KG” (DOTI) operator consortium specifically for this purpose in June 2006. In 2019, RWE acquired the renewable energy business of E.ON, includings E.ON's shares in alpha ventus. The shares distribution is: EWE 47.5%; RWE and Vattenfall each 26.25%.

Number of units12
Total capacity60 MW
Energy yield  2010-2019201 gigawatt hours per annum
(= annual energy consumption of about 57,000 households)
Technical data Senvion 5M (REpower)

Technical data Senvion 5M (REpower)

Rotor diameter 126 m
Height of hub92 m
Total height above seabed185 m
Rated output5 MW
Speed6.9 - 12.1 rpm
Cut-in wind speed3.5 m/s (= force 3)
Rated wind speed13.0 m/s (= force 6)
Cut-out wind speed30 m/s (= force 11)
Weight of nacelle without rotor and hub290 t
Weight of nacelle with rotor and hub410 t
Jacket foundationWeight of steel: 500 t
tower: 210 t
Technical data Adwen AD 5-116 (AREVA Wind resp. Multibrid M5000)

Technical data Adwen AD 5-116 (AREVA Wind resp. Multibrid M5000)

Rotor diameter 116 m
Height of hub 90 m
Total height above seabed 178 m
Rated output 5 MW
Speed 5.9 – 14.8 rpm
Cut-in wind speed 3.5 m/s (= force 3)
Rated wind speed 12.5 m/s (= force 6)
Cut-out wind speed 25 m/s (= force 10)
Blade tip speed 90 m/s (= 300 km/h)
Weight of nacelle without rotor and hub 200 t
Weight of nacelle with rotor and hub 309 t
Weight of steel in tripod, tower, nacelle 1,000 t
Tripod Weight of steel: 700 t; Height: 45 m; Piles: 35 – 45 m
Technical data transformer station

Technical data transformer station

30 m elevation of helipad
25 melevation of main deck with crane, substation control and protection (I&C) / switchgear plant / neutral earthing transformer, fire extinguishing system, MV and LV systems, emergency generating set, MVAr throttle / 110 kV GIS (gas-insulated switchgear) system (AREVA)
21 mcable deck with workshop, equipment room, lounge, diesel tanks, emergency generating unit, cable bench and oil sump
Cable deck and main deck110/30 kV transformator 75 MVA (AREVA)
Jacket foundationapprox. 750 t
Foundation piles35 m long, 2.7 m diameter, 100 t apiece
Position N 54°00', E 6°37.40'

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